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Adsense alternatives

Adsense Alternatives

There are many alternatives to adsense program. As the world knows very well there is no clear alternative to adsense. YPN may be the pioneer in this field but Adsense is the winner here. But Adsense has very strict rules and regulations. If you do not follow the rules your account would see the most dreaded your adsense account disabled mail. This made people try other alternatives to adsense. There are hundreds of alternatives available. In our promise to you we try to bring only those services which are genuine and promising.
+ Top pay per click advertising alternatives.
Our journey towards finding an alternative to Adsense takes us long. There is no clear alternative to adsense particularly when you live outside US. If you have an adsense account be careful not to cross the limits and lose your earnings. The top alternatives to google adsense are

Top alternatives

Yahoo Publisher Network YPN

Yahoo publisher network is your number one option if you are a resident of United States. It is a quality pay per click services constantly updated to allow its members to make more money. You can join YPN if you have a great site because Yahoo does not like losers. It does not approve applications easily.


Adbrite is another pay per click advertising service that you can use. It has many Unique features. AdBrite was founded by Philip Kaplan and Gidon Wise in 2002, is headquartered in San Francisco, California and backed by venture capital firms Sequoia Capital, DAG Ventures, and Mitsui Ventures.
Adbrite serves ads on over one billion pages a day. It provides ads on all formats including text  ads, full page ads, Bright pic ads, In video ads etc.  It is used by over 70000 trusted premium sites and reaches over 85 million unique users a month.


Miva is another pay per click service that you can use. Miva monetization center or MIVA MC as is called has different formats for different people. You can use text ads for example if that is what you are looking for.


Oxado was founded in June 2005 by Jacques Caron and Laurent Poupet, who have been present in the computers and telecoms business for over 15 years each. They are still the owners and managers of Oxado.
Oxado is based at Europe and has more than 20000 websites as members. Its ads are shown to over 500 million web pages. It is present in nearly 19 countries including Europe, USA, Mexico, Brazil etc.


Bidvertiser is another pay per click service you can use. Its beginning rates are often misleading. The click through rate increases with time. You can use it to monetize your website.
Entireweb Speedyads
It is another pay per click advertising you can make use of as an alternative to adsense. It has different formats etc to satisfy you. It serves relevant ads to increase the chance of click.